(日時) 2020年6月3日(水)18:00~19:00
18:00-18:05 説明
18:05-18:10 挨拶:バンクーバー日系経済団体連絡協議会・岡本裕明議長
18:10-18:20 トーク:日加ヘルスケア協会理事長・田中朝絵先生「コロナ:ドクターから見た今後の感染予防」
18:20-18:40 羽鳥隆総領事講演:「新型コロナウィルス感染症と最近の情勢について」
18:40-18:55 質疑応答
18:55-19:00 閉会の辞:日本カナダ商工会議所・サミー高橋会長
(参加資格) バンクーバー日系経済団体連絡協議会構成団体に所属していること
(申込方法) 以下の申し込みフォームよりお申し込みください。
(申込締切) 2020年5月31日(日)
(お問合せ) vancouver.jp.business@gmail.com
(定員) 90名(先着順)
(参加料) 無料
(主催) バンクーバー日系経済団体連絡協議会
(協力) 日本カナダ商工会議所、企友会
• Zoom(ウェブアプリ)を利用して開催します。参加ご希望の皆様にはアクセス用のURLを送付いたしますので、そちらを使ってご参加下さい。
• 視聴にはZoomの約款に同意し、アプリをダウンロードしていただくか、ブラウザを介して接続する必要があります。
Let’s think together, everyone working at home.
Due to the spread of COVID-19, society is now undergoing major changes.
How do people think, work, and how does the international community change
in the future?
Now that we can’t see the future, we would like to think about the future of
the society, of us and of the company in Canada after Corona.
Consul General Takashi Hatori of the Consulate General of Japan in Vancouver
and Dr. Asae Tanaka, President of the Nikka Health Care Society will be
invited as guests.
Taking advantage of Webinar, we will explore the world of post-corona
together while listening to your questions and opinions.
(Date) June 3, 2020 (Wednesday) 18:00 to 19:00
18: 00-18: 05 Guidance
18: 05-18: 10 Greeting: Canada-Japan Council of British Columbia, Chairman
Hiroaki Okamoto
18: 10-18: 20 Talk: Dr. Asae Tanaka, President of the Nikka Health Care
Society “Corona: Prevention of future infection from the doctor’s
18: 20-18: 40 Consul General Takashi Hatori Lecture: “New Corona virus
Infections and Recent Situations”
18: 40-18: 55 Q & A
18: 55-19: 00 Closing Remarks: Japan-Canada Chamber of Commerce, Chairman
Sammy Takahashi
(Qualification for participation) Belonging to the member organization of
the Canada-Japan Council of British Columbia.
(How to apply) Please apply using the application form below.
(Application deadline) May 31 , 2020 (Sunday)
(Contact) vancouver.jp.business@gmail.com
(Capacity) 90 people (first come, first served)
(Participation fee) Free
(Organizer) Canada-Japan Council of British Columbia
(Cooperation) Japan-Canada Chamber of Commerce, KIYUKAI
[About Web participation]
• Held using Zoom (web application). We will send a URL for everyone who
wants to participate before the event.
• To participate you need to agree to Zoom’s terms and conditions, and
download the application or connect via a browser. If you use the downloaded
Zoom app, please update to the latest version before participating in the