企友会お馴染みのNetworking Discoveryが今年はオンラインで帰ってきました!


加えて、「Gather Town」と呼ばれる楽しいプラットフォームを使用します(詳細は下部)。




日時: 2021年6月17日(木) 7:00 pm-9:00 pm
参加者数: 50名まで

お申込締め切り:2021年6月16日(水)5:00 pm



参考:『Gather Town』について

新しいソフトウェアのダウンロードやインストールは必要ありません。ログイン手順が記載されたURLを参加申込頂いた方にお送り致します。最初のステップはご自身のキャラクターをお作り頂くことです。また、Gather TownがPC内のカメラとマイクにアクセス出来るようにご調整頂く必要があります。互換性のあるWebブラウザはGoogle ChromeとFirefoxとなりますので、ご留意下さい。イベント当日には、ご案内・サポートさせて頂くモデレーターがおります。コンピュータに不慣れな方や当該プラットフォームの使用方法についてお知りになりたい方向けに、イベント開始前に簡単なガイダンスの時間を設けております。

【English Ver.】
Kiyukai’s popular Network Discovery is back this year! Since the restrictions on large group gatherings are still in place, it will be an online event. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to adjust to a new reality over the past year. Many of you have probably become accustomed to online meetings and webinars. For our networking event, we want it to be something more than just another Zoom meeting, so we are doing things a bit differently. First of all, it will be co-hosted by the Japan-Canada Chamber of Commerce. By inviting members from both organizations to participate, we hope it will be a great opportunity to get to know more people and expand your networking horizons. In addition, we will be using a videoconferencing platform called Gather Town. Compared to other platforms like Zoom, it is more of a visual interactive experience. It resembles a 2D video game. Each participant creates their own “character” that exists in the space created for our online gathering. There will be a 2D map of the space on your computer screen and other participants will appear as their own characters. You can control your character and move freely around the map by using the arrow buttons on your keyboard. By moving your character, you will be able to speak privately to other participants or join a group discussion.

You do not need to download or install any software. We will send a URL link to each participant with instructions on logging in. The first step is to create your character. You will also need to allow the program access to your camera and microphone. Please note that the compatible web browsers are Google Chrome and Firefox. There will be a moderator who will provide guidance and direction during the event. For those who are not tech-savvy or anticipate needing extra time to learn how to use the platform, there will be a short tutorial offered right before the start time of the event.

As more and more people get vaccinated, there is a growing sense of optimism that restrictions will gradually get lifted and life can return to normal. In anticipation of this, the theme of the event will be “the post-COVID world”. To get the conversations started, we will be setting up “rooms” where a different topic can be discussed. Here are some of the topics:·
・What are some changes to the way we do things as a result of the pandemic that you think have been positive and would be good to keep?
・ What lifestyle change or new hobby or habit have you adopted in order to maintain your health and well-being during the pandemic?

You will be free to move from room to room to participate in different discussions. You can also move outside of the rooms to have a private conversation with participants. In this way, the experience will more closely resemble an in-person networking event. We hope this format will allow for a fun, unique and enjoyable experience for all.

Date: June 17, 2021 (Thursday)
Time: 7:00 pm
Number of participants: 50
Please register for the event. You can also invite one guest to attend as well. We hope to see you on June 17!

Registration form: https://forms.gle/dU2AuGdqrjjTTetP8

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