Company address: 200-678 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1G1
Contact name: John Kamitakahara
Phone: 604-876-7999
Title: Customer Service Representative
Kami Insurance is a 5-person independent brokerage that was established in 1959. We service mainly the Japanese-Canadian community but have a wide range of personal and commercial clients.
We are seeking an experienced individual to handle our Personal Lines accounts. The candidate will be expected to service the renewals, changes and new business and should have knowledge of insurance procedure. Travel insurance and ICBC automobile transactions may also be part of the job duties. We are flexible in meeting your schedule – part-time or full-time (no weekends). This position offers challenging opportunities and vast potential.
We offer employment in a safe, relaxed, comfortable setting. Our business comes mainly from referrals. We do very little advertising and don’t cold call or have a producer to seek business. Salary and benefits are all negotiable. Our main concern is for our employees to be happy and content – this creates a positive work environment for everyone.
日英両方の履歴書にカバーレターを添えて、john@kamiinsurance へお送りください。
カミインシュアランス( 上高原保険)は、1959年に設立された5人のエージェントのいる
旅行保険やICBCの自動車保険取扱いも職務の一部に含まれます。パートタイム又は、フルタイムでの勤務が可能です。 週末は営業しておりません。このポジションは、挑戦する機会が与えられ、大きな可能性を持っています。